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Healing from Unexplained Secondary Infertility Book

Available in eBook and paperback formats 



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Unexplained secondary infertility is becoming increasingly common worldwide. This book explores the many possible reasons why your body is saying no to another baby, time and time again. As well as offering practical advice, this book is an insight into the journey of a nutritionist who overcame 10 years of unexplained secondary infertility to conceive naturally and give birth at age 44.


At age 41, at her post IVF review meeting, Catherine was told by her fertility doctor that her “eggs were too old” and her only option was to use a donor. This was after her IVF ended in another miscarriage, a familiar outcome after seven years of unexplained secondary infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss. Yet despite this, Catherine went on to conceive and give birth naturally to a healthy baby girl three years later, at age 44.


Hearing that her “eggs were too old” triggered a determination to prove the specialists wrong. Over the next three years, she literally turned herself inside out to work out what was happening to her, using the practitioner resources available to her as a registered clinical nutritionist. This book is her story of unexplained secondary infertility interspersed with practical nutrition, lifestyle and mindset tips from a nutritionist’s perspective. The book highlights common issues such as postnatal depletion, thyroid dysfunction, stress, nutritional deficiencies, inflammation, hormone imbalances, gut issues, infections and immune dysregulation, all issues that can create an environment that is not quite optimal for a healthy pregnancy.


Catherine’s story proves that when IVF fails and all other options have been exhausted, it is time to dig deep and go within to find answers. There is always a reason to be hopeful, even if you are over the age of 40 and feel like time is running out.


Chapter summary:


Chapter 1 - My story

Chapter 2 - Secondary infertility

Chapter 3 - Building healthy foundations with nutrition

Chapter 4 - Gut health and fertility

Chapter 5 - Finding hormone harmony

Chapter 6 - Fertility over 40

Chapter 7 - Stress

Chapter 8 - Could it be your thyroid?

Chapter 9 - Silent low-grade inflammation and immune dysregulation

Chapter 10 - Recurrent chemical pregnancies

Chapter 11 - Male factor infertility

Chapter 12 - Liste to your body​​​​

The information contained on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or health condition. It is not intended to substitute for the advice, treatment and medical diagnosis you receive from your GP or other qualified health professional.

As a nutritionist I am not able to make any medical diagnoses, provide second opinions, make claims or provide a substitute for the medical advice you are receiving from your GP or other qualified health professional.  The information on this website is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any medical condition or health problem.

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