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My Story

I have suffered from allergies for most of my life. I was diagnosed with asthma at the age of 9 and in my 20s I developed quite a severe adult-onset eczema and skin rashes that plagued me for about 10 years and really affected my confidence.  Through my journey of learning about natural health and nutrition, I have healed my body of both diseases.  I no longer have asthma and haven't needed to use an inhaler for 2 years (even though I needed it every day for almost 30 years!) and my skin problems have pretty much gone. 


I am now approaching 49 and I have more energy and better skin than I ever had in my 20s and 30s.  So how did I do it?  Through my healing journey, I healed and sealed my leaky gut, identified and eliminated foods I was intolerant to that were causing me inflammation, and changed my diet to focus on nourishing whole foods and superfoods. My mission is to help clients heal their own bodies by finding them a nourishing diet and supplement plan that will help them regain their energy and vitality and feel amazing again.


​The journey for me didn’t end there. For 10 years (after the birth of my first son) I also struggled with secondary infertility and recurring miscarriages, which included a failed attempt at IVF.  I have spent 10 years researching fertility extensively from a practitioner's point of view in the hope I could uncover a reason why I couldn’t conceive or carry a second baby to full term. After my failed IVF attempt at age 41, I was told that my eggs were too old and the only hope for me was to use donor eggs.  At this point, we stopped actively trying but I kept up my preconception-friendly diet in the hope that I still had time for a miracle to happen. Although this seems crazy, it is hard to just switch off and stop thinking about trying when you have been living with infertility for so long.


​The years passed by and still, we had no miracle baby, even though I was the healthiest I had ever been and everything seemed to be in balance (and my partner was pretty healthy as well).  â€‹3 weeks after I had resigned from working in a health shop (to focus purely on my clinic) I was shocked to discover I was pregnant naturally at age 43!  I was over the moon but I was immediately terrified and anxious as I was dreading another miscarriage between 4 – 8 weeks. However, surprisingly my baby held on. 


I was so anxious at my first scan at 8 weeks to detect a heartbeat. I felt physically sick walking into the ultrasound room but was relieved to see a flashing heartbeat on the screen. Despite my continued anxiety, my 12 and 20 week scans were perfect as well, with a low risk of congenital abnormalities which I was told was excellent considering my age.  I was even brave enough to fly to England just after my 20 weeks scan. This was the point I started to believe my little girl would finally arrive.  â€‹


My miracle daughter Jenah arrived in February 2019 by emergency cesarean at 39 weeks, weighing 9 pounds 1.   She is absolutely perfect in every way.  At the time of writing this, I am still amazed that my 44-year-old body can produce such a miracle naturally, and I didn’t need any medications or artificial hormones, just a selected few nutritional supplements. I am also amazed that my 44-year-old body is continuing to nourish her through breastfeeding.​


I have learned so much about fertility over the last 10 years that I feel the drive to help people in this area, especially as I understand how emotionally draining it can be to struggle with infertility. My area of focus is pre-conception care for both females and males. This will include dietary, lifestyle, environmental, stress management, addressing hormone imbalances, and reducing toxicity.  I have recently completed some practitioner-level education on fertility to ensure that my knowledge is up to date.​

 "Given the right nourishment and environment, the body is capable of healing itself "

Appointments are available online by Zoom or in the clinic at Gate Pa Health Shop in Tauranga. 

The information contained on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or health condition. It is not intended to substitute for the advice, treatment and medical diagnosis you receive from your GP or other qualified health professional.

As a nutritionist I am not able to make any medical diagnoses, provide second opinions, make claims or provide a substitute for the medical advice you are receiving from your GP or other qualified health professional.  The information on this website is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any medical condition or health problem.

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